Sunday—a night of chit chat with the fam, drunken
debauchery, half-played
board games that turned quickly into
bored games, future Saturday Market & picnic promises.
Wifey, Margaret and I ushered in the holiday at my family's house in Vancouver—fast food Vancouver, ghetto Vancouver, million-miles-wide by million-miles-tall Vancouver, Vancouver of the Washington variety (no, not DC, not the capitol, rather the state: Warshington—the r is silent).
We had a blast. How was your special weekend?
My dad finally gave a verbal mapping of The Olson family history (sorta) and it inspired me to plan a special road trip...
This will take some craftiness on our part. We'll need to fully float-ize the car. But it's well worth the effort. I heard that the O-L-S-O-N spelling of my surname (as opposed to O-L-S-E-N) indicates Norwegian ancestry (as opposed to Swedish). The logical jumping off point is the capitol of Norway: Oslo. Look at it! Frickin' Christmasy as heck!
Nova Scotia!
The second stop has to be Nova Scotia, where I still have some older family members floating around (super older, like triple digits older). We've always wanted to move to Canada. How about Halifax, huh?
North Dakota!
Then it's time to see where the old man was born—North Dakota! Apparently there are some great cousins still plopped down in Bismarck somewheres. From here, my grandfather and grandmother moved my dad and uncle out to Washington—and the rest is history. But...
Apparently, Gramps (youngest of an 11-kid clan) had a brother who opted for Kentucky, so we'll have to make a pass through this beauty! United we stand, divided we fall!
Someday someday someday...